Everyday Documents


Transparent Image

Convert images to transparent (RGB to RGBA). Useful for creating transparent digital signatures.

Select Image

Image Preview

Click on an individual image to download.


How to use the conversion tool

  • Step 1: Open an image file using the 'Select Image' field.
  • Step 2: The image will be processed and output to the preview section.
  • Step 3: Press on images in the preview section to download individual image files.

How it works

  • After the image has been loaded, individual pixels will be processed according to 5 styles. Transparent pixels will be skipped.
  • Grayscale: Image is converted to grayscale.
  • Black: Image is converted to grayscale, scaled to ensure the darkest pixel is black.
  • Alpha Colour: The alpha channel for each pixel will be calculated based on the RGB values. Red, green and blue pixel values will be scaled based on the alpha value.
  • Alpha Greyscale: The alpha channel for each pixel will be calculated based on the RGB values. Red, green and blue pixel values will be set to black (0, 0, 0).
  • Alpha Black: The alpha channel for each pixel will be calculated based on the RGB values, scaled to ensure the darkest pixel is black. Red, green and blue pixel values will be set to black (0, 0, 0).
  • For privacy, images are not loaded to a server. All conversions are done locally on your device.