Everyday Documents


Crossword Generator

Free crossword generator, using a list of words and clues to generate unique designs.



How to play a crossword

  • Step 1: Make sure you are in play mode by pressing the Play button.
  • Step 2: Using the clues, enter your answers by pressing on the white cells.
  • Step 3: If you are having difficulty use the Hint button.
  • Step 4: Check your progress using the Score button.
  • Step 5: Press Generate to create a new crossword layout.

How to create a crossword

  • Step 1: Make sure you are in create mode by pressing the Create button.
  • Step 2: Alter existing clues using the inputs.
  • Step 3: Delete clues using the Delete button.
  • Step 4: Add new clues using the New Entry button.
  • Step 5: Once you have entered all of your clues and answers use the Generate button to create new crossword layouts.
  • Step 6: Press Download to save a copy of the crossword to your device.

How it works

  • The crossword generator is based on the generator created by Hassan Hamidi Ghamar at CodePen.