Image Resize
Resize images and photos for easy storage and emailing.
Select Images
Image Preview
Click on an individual image to download.
How to use the conversion tool
- Step 1: Open image files using the 'Select Images' field. Images will be loaded to the preview section.
- Step 2: Depending on the chosen mode, select the required image output specifications, such as file type, output size and filename.
- Step 3: Press on images in the preview section to download individual image files.
- Step 4: Press the Download images button to save the new images to your downloads folder. If prompted by your browser, press Allow to download multiple files.
How it works
- Images are loaded to the local web page and shown in the preview section.
- When the download button is pressed, selected images are resized and saved.
- For privacy, images are not loaded to a server. All conversions are done locally on your device.